Complaints Procedure

We hope that you are happy with the services that you receive from Sandilands Legal. However, if you have concerns or wish to make a complaint please tell the lawyer handling your matter or working on assignment in your organisation with the nature and details of your concern as soon as possible in the first instance. If you would rather not speak to the lawyer providing you with the relevant services, please alternatively  feel free to contact one of our Directors, Sam Sandilands or Robyn Sandilands with details of your complaint/concerns and we will endeavour to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.

If this does not resolve your complaint and you want to make a formal complaint, you can write to or email one of our Directors making clear that it is a formal complaint. On receipt of a formal complaint we will acknowledge receipt within a week and investigate your concerns and the basis for the complaint. We will then write to you within 4 weeks setting out our response to the complaint and how you can pursue your concerns further if you disagree with our findings / proposed outcome.

Individual consumers and smaller organisations may be entitled to complain to the Legal Ombudsman about our service if they remain dissatisfied.

Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman should normally be made within a year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned or within a year of you realising the basis for the complaint. Any referral to the Legal Ombudsman must be made within six months of our final response to you. You can find further information about the Legal Ombudsman on their website: You can write to the Legal Ombudsman at PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH or by email on or call on 0300 555 0333.

If your concern relates to one of our bills, you may also have the right to apply to court for an assessment of the bill under Part lll Solicitors Act 1974. You should be aware though that the Legal Ombudsman may not consider your complaint if you make such an application to court.

Please note that the Legal Ombudsman is there to deal with concerns about the level of service which a client has received. Where there are more serious concerns that a solicitor has been involved in professional misconduct then reports can also be made to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). We very much hope that any such problems will not arise and would ask that you notify us as soon as possible if you have any such concerns.  Further information can be found on the SRA website at:

Robyn Sandilands - Director 

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